Gloves fire fighting and rescue gloves thermal insulation flame retardant wear-resistant durable protective gloves
  • Gloves fire fighting and rescue gloves thermal insulation flame retardant wear-resistant durable protective gloves
  • Gloves fire fighting and rescue gloves thermal insulation flame retardant wear-resistant durable protective gloves
  • Gloves fire fighting and rescue gloves thermal insulation flame retardant wear-resistant durable protective gloves
  • Gloves fire fighting and rescue gloves thermal insulation flame retardant wear-resistant durable protective gloves

Gloves fire fighting and rescue gloves thermal insulation flame retardant wear-resistant durable protective gloves

2 379 руб.



"Материал" первый слой воловьей кожи/функциональная пленка для подкладки/изоляционная подкладка/второй слой воловьей кожи

Размеры: около 27 см/ширина 13,5 см

[Особенности] огнеупорный, теплоизоляционный, износостойкий, водонепроницаемый, паростойкий, дышащий, отражающий на задней части руки, защищающий от излучения, высокая прочность, удобная и безопасная.

[Назначение]Он подходит для защиты рук и запястья спасателей, когда они тушат огонь и спасают людей, для предотвращения царапин и порезов.

Высококачественная защита рук пожарных

Gloves fire fighting and rescue gloves thermal insulation flame retardant wear-resistant durable protective gloves

Gloves fire fighting and rescue gloves thermal insulation flame retardant wear-resistant durable protective gloves
Gloves fire fighting and rescue gloves thermal insulation flame retardant wear-resistant durable protective gloves
Gloves fire fighting and rescue gloves thermal insulation flame retardant wear-resistant durable protective gloves
Gloves fire fighting and rescue gloves thermal insulation flame retardant wear-resistant durable protective gloves
Gloves fire fighting and rescue gloves thermal insulation flame retardant wear-resistant durable protective gloves

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Leather / cowhide
Average code
Around 270
Featured services
Wear-resistant and durable heat insulation
Scope of application
Firemen's fire gloves
high temperature resistant gloves
27cm left and right